Horoscopes for Full Moon in Pisces September 2019

September 11, 2019

On September 14th, 2019 at 12:33 a.m EST, there will be a Full Moon in dreamy Pisces at 21° degrees. Full Moons occur approximately two weeks after a New Moon and always form an opposition at an exact degree with the Sun. They often stir up our emotions and are often associated with periods of release and closure.

Two weeks ago, the New Moon in Virgo gave us an opportunity to plant the seeds of our potential. Since Full Moons are a time for revelations, it's time to check-in with ourselves: What have I done to bring me closer to my goals? What new information have I learned about myself or my life? How do I continue to learn and grow?

Don't be hard on yourself if you feel like you haven't accomplished as much as you wanted to since the New Moon. As a Capricorn Sun and Ascendant, I know a thing or two about long-term commitments. Growth is a process, one that takes a lot of dedication and time. See this transit as a necessary pause to ask yourself how you're feeling and take the steps to align with your truth.

Notable Transits

The Moon will form a harmonious conjunct with Neptune in Pisces, heightening our sensitivity and receptiveness. Feelings run deep during this transit and depending on your relationship to emotions, this can either throw you off guard or help you feel connected. Expect to feel vulnerable, but be careful not to give in to escapist temptations. Neptune clouds everything, so pushing your psychic limitations with mind-altering substances will only aggravate your confusion.

On a more positive note, however, this is a wonderful transit to realign yourself with your deepest feelings. Pisces energy is all about connectivity, whether it's to yourself, other people, or causes you care about. You may feel hyper-conscious about the injustices you see in the world, but are unsure of how to fix it. With Neptune blurring the boundaries of reality, it's better to dream about the possibilities rather than take tangible action right now. Imagination is the first step in creating a more just society.

The Full Moon in Pisces will also form a square with Jupiter in Sagittarius, further complicating any issues that the Moon conjunct Neptune brings up. This transit can inspire self-indulgence, overly self-righteous opinions, and feelings of hopelessness. Depending on who you are and how it uniquely impacts your natal chart, this can manifest in different ways. But expect it to feel intense as if you're oscillating between two extremes. Luckily, this transit is brief but it can feel like a whirlwind.

There will also be a sextile between the Moon and Pluto in Capricorn, offering a productive opportunity to delve deep into the root causes of your emotional hangups. The light of the Full Moon illuminates Pluto's profound knowledge gained from lurking in the underworld. If you've been stifling or denying your feelings and wanting to change your relationship to fear, this is the time to do it!

Consciously, it may not be a clear answer to what you need to do. The Moons placement in Pisces and close proximity to Neptune will surely cloud your mental sharpness. Instead, allow your intuition to guide you and help you release psychic baggage. If this is something that resonates with you, then you have to be intentional about it. Sextile angles require activation, so harness this energy if you plan to use it.

Now that you know some important aspects that are happening alongside the Full Moon in Pisces, find your Sun and Rising sign below to learn more about what to expect!


In addition to the Moon squaring Jupiter, your ruling planet, Mars, is also forming this uncomfortable angle with Jupiter. It's important to stay as grounded as you can, as you're likely to overestimate your abilities with this dynamic energy. While there's nothing wrong with feeling optimistic and enthusiastic about what's to come, impulsivity can be problematic with these transits. Channel all the Virgo energy in the air if you're making a big decision that impacts your financial and physical health. You're overly-eager this week and if you're not careful, you'll push your limitations further than you intend.


The watery energy of the Full Moon in Pisces compliments your earthy Taurean nature. You're feeling right at home with the dominant earth/water placements in the stars right now, but that doesn't mean it's still not challenging. Your ruling planet, Venus, forms an opposition with the Moon and it can impact your indulgent habits if you don't keep it in check. Because of Neptune's close proximity to the Moon, escapism is appealing but can be harmful. Instead, focus on your close relationships and honor all the love you have. You've worked so hard to foster these connections, so enjoy them!


All the mercurial Virgo energy in the stars is clashing with the Full Moon and Neptune in Pisces. Not that it's a bad thing, but it might be throwing you off. You're usually able to talk yourself out of any miscommunication; however, with the Full Moon forming an opposition with your ruling planet Mercury, emotions have precedence over words. It'd be helpful to meditate on certain questions you seek answers to during this lunar event, as they'll more likely be revealed in mystic Piscean ways. Nothing is what it seems. Luckily, Pisces is a fellow mutable sign so you're able to quickly adapt to your circumstances.


Since the Moon rules your zodiac sign, you can expect to feel the full effects of this Pisces Full Moon. Your sensitive nature may feel like it's gone into overdrive and you may feel dismayed at your lack of power. It's important to remember that you can't always change other people, but you can change how you act. Making decisions that reflect your personal ethos will help you avoid self-pity during this lunar transit. Wallowing never helped anyone, and it especially doesn't contribute to your growth. Channel your emotions into action!


You might still be mourning that the Sun is no longer in your radiant sign, which is understandable. This Full Moon is an ego check for everyone, but especially for you. Since your ruling planet is the Sun, the opposition it forms with the Moon highlights parts of your life that aren't working in your favor. It's time to reflect on your decisions and whether or not they're helping you align with your truth. If they aren't, it's time to release. If they are, think about how you can make better ones in the future. Keep your impulsivity in check if you want to make the most out of this transit.


The Moon is opposite your natal Sun sign, and it's making you feel uncomfortable. I get it - Virgo season is ~supposed~ to be all about planning, strategy, and organizing. But you know there's always gonna be a Full Moon in Pisces right? Things will inevitably feel fuzzy and confusing, and you can't micromanage it away. You seek clarity in everything you do, especially verbal affirmation, but it's time to try something new. Embrace your emotions rather than your intellect, as you're bound to discover an incredible capacity for intuitive understanding.


Our perception of reality may not be as it seems with Neptune so close to the Full Moon, but you're someone who trusts your emotions more than anything. You experience love in ways that transform your understanding of people and possibilities. The Full Moon in Pisces solidifies your certainty in this life ethos, and you're feeling moved to express your feelings to people you care about. Luckily, your ruling planet, Venus, is conjunct Mercury, the planet of communication. This transit assists your efforts in giving gratitude to others, especially if it's a verbal affirmation. Just remember to give some love to yourself!


You have every right to be emotional this week, dear Scorpio, as the Full Moon and Neptune in Pisces are making you feel extra vulnerable. It's important you honor it instead of find reasons to distract yourself. Self-indulgence seems appealing when you're not ready to confront your feelings. You're not someone who shies away from intensity, but you will if it threatens your sense of safety. The thing is, you'll never grow unless you face what's haunting you and your ruling planet Pluto knows this lesson best. Use the illuminative properties of the Moon-Pluto sextile to your advantage; revel in what you already know.


Your ruling planet, Jupiter, has been in your sign for a little more than 6 months and it's had a strong impact on your perspective and convictions. It's helped you expand your belief system and learn more about your role on this Earth. On September 14th, Jupiter will form an uncomfortable square with the Full Moon. Your sense of self may be under fire, as this transit aggravates the tension between your ego and emotions. Instead of getting hyped up and overestimating your abilities, it's better to acknowledge what's happening within you instead of reacting. Take it slow this week; you'll make better decisions if you analyze the situation and your feelings before you act.


Not to make this horoscope in ~typical~ Capricorn fashion, but this Full Moon is going to highlight your relationship with your work. It might force you to confront some startling truths about your behavior and attitudes towards it. If you're someone that obsesses about achievements and places tremendous value on your accomplishments, this transit is going to knock you off your feet if you don't take the time to reflect. What are your emotional boundaries? How do you know when to stop? Your standard approach to organizing your life might fall apart with all this Pisces energy in the air. Trust your body to know when it's time to tackle your responsibilities or relax.


As an intellectual air sign, you tend to filter your emotions through your mind. You may have the feeling like something is on the tip of your tongue all week, and you can't articulate it. Embrace this dilemma, as it encourages you to feel with your heart rather than your brain. I know it can be hard, but you're an Aquarius! Assume your role as society's spontaneous rebel and roll with the punches. Be wary of your tendency to disassociate, as harsh angles between the planets create compelling temptations to avoid whatever you're going through. Practice experiencing your emotions through your body, rather than translating it into language.


The Full Moon and Neptune are both in your sign this week, and the astrological influence may feel like you've ascended into an alternate universe. Your innate dreamy nature is feeling revved up, so it's important to stay grounded. It's not that you shouldn't indulge in your lovely fantasies; just be aware of your personal limitations. Make sure you're eating regularly, getting enough sleep, and drinking enough water. If you don't make a conscious effort to nourish yourself, then you're likely to let other people overstep your personal boundaries. Be active in replenishing your body, as the Moon may help you release intense emotions that make you feel depleted.

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