
Astrology Elements: Water Signs

October 11, 2018

Yesterday, Hurricane Michael descended upon the shores of Northern Florida and it made me realize how much water can impact human existence. While an extreme example, a hurricane is the pinnacle of the element's destructive power. I decided to write about water in a scientific and astrological context, melding the two together in order to better understand its importance in the zodiac. 


Our Earth is 71% water; the ocean composing the majority of this percentage. Human bodies are approximately 50-60% water, so drink some water you dehydrated bitch because 43% of adults in North America only drink half the amount they need. During the first year of life, an infant is 75% water and young children are 65%. Could this be a cause for children's hyper-sensitivity to emotions and the paranormal? While there's no scientific study of this claim, it encourages us to examine water's link between the physical and the spiritual.

Paranormal investigators and psychics alike have a theory that water is a conduit for spirits. An excellent example of this phenomena is in season 1 of the show Ghosts of Shepherdstown. Every spike in supernatural activity is located near a water source, connecting each occurrence to the past event that triggered it all. Others claim that the presence of water heightens human perception of the spirit realm, and this makes sense when considering another property of water.

When air molecules shatter from the impact of moving water, negative ions are released into the atmosphere. We experience their impact when we unwind next to a beach, a waterfall, or a river. When breathing in negative ions, our brain's level of serotonin and melatonin are increased. This is the scientific explanation for why we feel calm, euphoric, or relaxed in these natural settings.

Negative ions also increase alpha brain waves, which is the frequency of our minds during meditation and visualization. Moving water not only boosts our moods but increases our awareness, reaffirming the claim that humans are more sensitive to other dimensions when in proximity to it. And not only in the realm of the paranormal, but emotions that connect us to the divine. 

Water around us and inside our bodies regulates the functions we depend on for survival. We need water to exist, both physically and psychically. 

Just as we need water signs and their insight. Cease your Scorpio slander and stop making fun of Cancers for crying. Not all Pisces are stoners; not when most Aquarians had a dissociative drug phase. It's one thing to critique a sign for being unbalanced, but another to attack the essence that can provide vital lessons. 

Cancer is ruled by the Moon, the ruler our interior and intuitive worlds. Mars and Pluto are the planets of Scorpio, representing the drive for transformation. Pisces is governed by Neptune, the planet of dreams and spirituality. Each ruler delves deep to find the truth, submerging themselves under hectic tides and chaotic storms to decipher between what's real and false.

While Cancers, Scorpios, and Pisces may channel their natural element in different avenues, they're all distinguished by its general characteristics: intuitive, psychic, emotionally sensitive, and nurturing. On the flip side, they're prone to moodiness, over-indulgence, and misleading delusions.

The gift of psychic receptivity can be a curse when mishandled. Like the hand that stirs a still pond, the ripples continue to spread even when the contact has seized. People with water dominants may struggle with feeling overwhelmed, and seek to muddle their awareness with distraction. A Cancer mopes along the moonlit shore, retreating into the safety of a shell when the tides are too strong. The brooding Scorpio swallows their intensity until it bubbles up into a terrifying storm, destroying themselves in the process. Pisces plunges into the depths of their own make-believe, seduced by the reflection of a convincing illusion.

But beyond the storm lies a tranquil lake, full of life below its exterior. After the rain comes an idyllic scene of dewdrops and rainbows. Water nurtures for the sake of growth. Water warns when feelings are neglected, transformation is stagnant, and spirits are not heeded. Across cultures and religions, water is a cleansing element for impurities. Water is named Oshun, Anuket, Ganga, Amphitrite, worshipped as divine. Water nourishes the ground, replenishes the desolate, and guides the drifted. In it's union with Earth, Fire, Air, and Spirit, Water is the powerful conduit of growth, power, and intuition.


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